For 10 years we have provided valuable knowledge on the best digital technology business models. Our mission is to bring you the deepest insights into successful digital biz models you can find on the web at a fair price.

We are the only site that exclusively focuses on digital business models. Others covering business models are not specialised in digital but all sorts of industries. While that is more beneficial for them in terms of revenue, our approach made us the expert in digital business models.

Depth: a clear pathway to Expertise

We have a clear framework of the concepts and knowledge areas that contribute to the progression from entry-level (bottom) to expert-level (top) with products covering it all. Moreover, all concepts and biz model elements are covered more comprehensively than elsewhere.

Unmatched Breadth

All concepts above are systematically demonstrated for the 11 verticals of digital business models. A systematic deep and broad coverage of real-world examples leads to the most efficient learning process.

The best place to learn about Digital Business Models is HERE

Here’s how our products compare to others from the perspective of someone who wants to learn about Digital Business Models in a focused manner. There is no arrogance in this comparison. It simply is a result of our focused approach vs their positioning to reach much wider markets. A wide, low-depth positioning leads to more revenues but we offer you higher quality (compare Netflix to a great documentary channel). For a researcher like me, the latter plays a big role!

  • These can be other websites offering products on business models or course aggregators with business model courses. Irrespective of who you look at, none of them is solely focused on digital business models which is where all the differences come from.

  • Unlike generic content farms that churn out mass-produced articles, my content focuses exclusively on the elements shown in my framework on this page.

    I use dedicated direct sources and access to research and other portals that I have found over the last 10 years. My extensive research, often involving thousands of sources (all personally reviewed with AI contributing less than 2%), ensures that my insights are at unmatched depth. My advanced products have considerable amounts of proprietary research that you will not find anywhere else.

  • Many websites prioritise getting a lot of site traffic by covering a wide range of keywords. However, this approach leads to shallow and generic content. I call the coverage of concepts with little relevance for digital business models “negative depth”. Often you don’t realise you learned something irrelevant until you finish.

    You can see in my framework the concepts I am covering throughout our products, where you will find a lot of depth in each of them and tailored to digital business models. Our approach leads to less web traffic because we are not ranking for non-digital concepts, but our focus leads to more depth and quality - a tradeoff I am accepting!

  • In absolute terms, others have significantly more breadth than we do. However, from the perspective of Digital Business Models, we have the widest breadth in that we have covered all 11 Digital (B2C) Tech Verticals systematically. 

    According to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) developed by MSCI and Standard & Poor's (S&P), there are 158 sub-industries. Our 11 verticals map to 15 of them. It means compared to others who cover “everything”, we are 10x more focused. 

    Once again, we consider excessive breadth as “negative breadth” as it will distract us from our learning goal of digital biz models.

  • Our pricing is fair and purely based on the level of research that went into them (rough guide: $10 per 500 sources personally researched, it's also approx $1 per day worked on the product). As usual across most industries, you get a discount on our bundles in the region of 20-50%.

    But we also see deceptive pricing elsewhere. In particular, where you see discounts of >90% on bundles, you should be very sceptical. Ask if the individual products were priced fairly in the first place (charging $50 for a low-depth, freelancer-created rewrite of a few open sources is not a fair starting point! There's almost no research behind this.). Providing a >90% “discount” on oodles of this is a deceptive tactic. Ask yourself if you will ever need most of the material that you were never after in the first place.

    We offer you a fair price proportional to the level of research and efforts that went into each product!

  • The conclusion is neither surprising nor arrogant or disingenuous. We are the only ones solely focussing on digital business models. This leads to the best depth, quality and breadth within this.

    Others focus on generating as much revenue as possible. They need to rank high on search results across an inordinate amount of keywords. The best use of resources for them is therefore low-depth, wide breadth. From our perspective, most of their content is below-entry-level. 

    In conclusion, we’re simply the best place if you want to gain insights, expertise and enduring knowledge in digital business models.

Who will benefit from our products?

Really anyone who wants to understand the business models of the most successful digital tech firms today. Knowledge will always be a key ingredient to your success in the digital age.

  • Anyone with digital technical skills without a business management degree can get the most tailored biz model knowledge here without wasting time on oodles of irrelevant stuff.

    Learn now so you don't get left behind!

  • Sharpen your business management skills for the digital age before they get outdated and allow others to overtake you!

  • Lifelong Learners and those who are just interested in why and how the most important digital tech businesses today work. Welcome, my like-minded friend!

  • Market Analysts, Consultants, PhDs, Researchers, Professors, Lecturers and anyone who has high stakes understanding the secrets of today's winning companies can get laser-focused knowledge on how they do it!

  • Anyone who wants to change the world with their idea needs to realise that knowledge is an important part of this endeavour.

    You can't succeed by trading buzzwords with others on startup events.

    All significant Founder CEOs were avid learners. Even - or in particular - the college drop-outs. They just did it off the trodden paths. No better place than here for that!

Thank you to the hundreds of kind, super-smart innovators that have shared their feedback

For 10 years we have been providing valuable knowledge on the best digital technology business models. We started as and recently transitioned to, a more modern space. During this time we have had millions of readers, hundreds of thousands of downloaded free materials! We have received amazing feedback from the keenest students to CEOs of startups with 10s of millions of users, top business school professors and many other enthusiastic innovators & smart people. We thank each one of you!

Kelly D

Product Manager Spotify

I just love your site. Innovation is something that requires knowledge not just creativity makes so much sense. Nobody never explained it this way but it is really inspiring

Leonid D

Global Commercial Manager at

I really enjoyed your articles, great work

Kane Marais

CEO Vibio Technologies

I came across your invaluable insights… I am currently building a platform business and your website helped me tremendously

Pete Lamont

IT Strategy Consultant NYC

Just found your site and bought your resources. I can use these ideas right away

Murali Dharan

CEO, Adjunct Professor

Your analysis is high grade

Malin Anderson

Founder WorldsMarathons

I really think the content you created is super valuable and really makes it clear how those large players are making their money :)

Emmanuel Dauphine

Financial Lecturer chez IESEG School of Management

Thank you so much for your immense and valuable work. I am business school teacher and former entrepreneur and will certainly use some of your material


Professor University Houston (buyer of all our products)

“Purchased the super bundle and love it”